Directorate of Gender Equality and Child Care Protection

The Directorate advocates for a legislative framework that ensure that enabling environment and the right mechanisms that promote the protection of children are set in place. Also, it advocates for child welfare to remain a priority and coordinate the implementation of the National Agenda for Children (NAC).

Gender Equality refers to equal rights, opportunities and conditions for women and men to realize their full human rights, to contribute to, and to benefit from economic, social, cultural and political development. Gender equality is therefore the equal valuing by society of the similarities and differences of women and men and the roles they play. It is associated with women and men being full partners in their homes, community and society.


  • Mainstream a gender perspective into new and existing policies, national legislations, programs, action plans and budgets across all sectors
  • Promote and coordinate the implementation of the National Gender Policy and its plans of action
  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Gender policy, national, regional, and international legal instruments and provide periodic reports
  • Coordinate gender responsive research for evidence-based responses


  • Mainstream a gender perspective into new and existing policies, national legislations, programs, action plans and budgets across all sectors
  • Promote and coordinate the implementation of the National Gender Policy and its plans of action
  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Gender policy, national, regional, and international legal instruments and provide periodic reports
  • Coordinate gender responsive research for evidence-based responses.
Directorate Contact Details

Director: Helena Andjamba
Tel: +264 61 283 3173

Gender Advocacy and Mobilization
Tel: +264 61 283 3114

Gender Mainstreaming
Tel: +264 61 283 3111

Residential Child Care Facilities
Tel: +264 61 283 3181

Child Care Services
Email: Rahimisa
Tel: +264 61 283 3164

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